
We're Fully Funded! But There's More?


With 48 hours left, the CHP team chatted online as we watched our Kickstarter campaign hour after hour, updating each other as we drew closer and closer to our goal of $15,000. Then...IT. HAPPENED. We reached $15,000! Some were speechless, some in denial, but overall we were ecstatic!

Lemonade Summer is officially funded! But there's still time to hit our $20,000 stretch goal. In these last 24 hours, if we can push to $20,000, EVERYONE who pledged for a physical book will get a behind-the-scenes zine. "Making Lemonade" will be a booklet full of character design sketches, working scripts, thumbnails, color palette tests, editor notes, a comic we had to edit out of the final book and much more. This will compile a year's journey to making this book happen! Check out some previews below:

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"Making Lemonade" mockup

We went through so many cover ideas! It took us about 3 months to decide on a cover. These sketches are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sometimes the best ideas aren't the most fun to draw. Seen here are Gabi's notes saying "This damn car again because I'm a masochist."

Sketching out characters